We are in a time where there is an expectation of ubiquitous computing. A need exists to access all our information anytime anywhere. Wearables provides workers, even those that don’t sit at a desk, the ability to access and provide a variety of data and seamlessly communicate it. The use of predictive analytics has made the idea of instrumenting employees with wearables even more inviting. In addition to regurgitation data from device sensors, employers are able to gather insights which can be used to identify trends and make future predictions.
Off- site workers are leveraging Smart Helmets like DAQRI’s to connect with an expert, without disrupting their current activity. Experts are able to view the environment of a co-worker in real-time and provide the necessary help to complete the task. This expert can relay instructions with voice, screen sharing, and annotated display screens.
How can wearables transform your business? What new capabilities are possible? Innovative companies are rethinking their core business to identify new business models, products or services that can be offered with wearables in their enterprise.